
This page details the arbitrary conventions I’ve chosen to follow in these notes.


  1. Use American English.

  2. Write bullet points in sentence case and end them with a period:

    • Handles multiplexing and demultiplexing of multiple packet sources.
    • Handles error control and retransmission.

    Unless the list contains only nouns:

    • Coaxial cable
    • Twisted pair cable
  3. Place references at the end of a paragraph, before the terminating punctuation mark:

    BGP4 supports CIDR and subnetting [1, P. 101].

  4. No comma after i.e. and e.g.:

    Each component is separated by a dot (e.g.

  5. Always use an Oxford comma:

    Streams go through multiple states: idle, open, half-closed, and closed.

  6. End side notes with a period:

    Note: this approach can be improved further by storing results in two single variables.

  7. Use em dashes without a space on either side:

    Linux is a monolithic kernel—it runs as a single process in a single address space.

  8. Capitalize figures and tables when referencing them in the text:

    For more information, see Figure 1.

  9. Create the plural form of initialisms that end in s by appending es:

    The last mainstream cooperative OSes were Mac OS 9 and Windows 3.1.

    Single-homed ASes connect to another AS via a single exit.

  10. Use ID, IDs, UID, and UIDs:

    The next step is to allocate a new UID.

  11. Define the full form of initialisms in parentheses when used for the first time:

    UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a connectionless transport protocol.

  12. Use key-value and client-server instead of key/value and client/server.

DHCP uses a client-server model.


  1. Use MathJax for formulas, variables, and functions:

    BFS runs in time on a graph of vertices and edges.

  2. Use angle brackets ("<>") for tuples written in text:

    ARP maps a <protocol, address> pair to a link layer address.


  1. Use parentheses for functions, methods, function-like macros, and system calls:

    Blink is initialized with BlinkInitializer::Initialize().

    To statically create a tasklet you can use the macros DECLARE_TASKLET() and DECLARE_TASKLET_DISABLED().

    It’s created in response to the open() system call, and is destroyed in response to the close() system call.

  2. Reference C structs by their name:

    The superblock is represented by the super_block struct.

  3. Format flags as code:

    Corresponds to VM_READ.


  1. Italicize header field names:

    The Data field contains the payload that is being sent.

  2. Write header field names in title case:

    The Originate Timestamp field is the time the sender touched the message before sending it.

  3. Format field values as code:

    Type is the type of frame (e.g. DATA, HEADERS).

  4. Use an HTTP request instead of a HTTP request:

    An HTTP/2 header field (a header) is a name with an associated value.

  5. Write bits per second as b/s and bytes per second as B/s, with the metric prefix in uppercase:

    100MB/s is 800Mb/s